Tuesday 21 April 2015

Apples New Laptop

Apple has already been growing faster than the rest of the personal-computer industry, but it needs to keep enticing customers to its Mac laptops and desktops to draw revenue from more areas than just its blockbuster iPhone business. The new device could help it do just that by bringing together many features that have long been on peoples' wish lists for the MacBook line, especially by offering more laptops with higher-resolution displays.The new MacBook includes a 12-inch Retina Display, with just over 3.3 million pixels. It's also the first MacBook without a fan, and it uses Intel's new low-power Core M processor, which allows for longer battery life and a thinner design than past generations of similar Intel chips.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Good to APPLE has taken it to the other level. I hope this Laptop is more user friendly this would attract many more buyers.

  3. I personally don't like apple but this seems interesting

  4. Interesting design by Apple. I will like to interact with this machine to see its limits. I can't imagine a system without any cooling fans, very impressive technology. Brilliant design in light of power consumption.
